January 22, 2018 Guest User What Can Stand January 22, 2018 Guest User The chorus reminds us that nothing can stand in the way, as it is God who gives baptism its power, and not anything we do.
December 7, 2017 Guest User The Line December 7, 2017 Guest User The seventh of eight songs written at Illumine's first Songwriting Weekend! Here is "The Line" by Kent Reeder.
November 9, 2017 Illumine God Made Him Who Had No Sin by Caleb Schmiege November 9, 2017 Illumine The fourth of eight songs written at Illumine's first Songwriting Weekend! Here is "God Made Him Who Had No Sin" by Caleb Schmiege.
September 18, 2017 Illumine What Wondrous Love is This September 18, 2017 Illumine How can we help but sing our praises to God after contemplating the depth of what he has done for us through Christ?