What Can Stand

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Why this song?

This song is actually the reason that Illumine Songwriting Weekends exist. We were working on a sermon series that had a heavy focus on Baptism, but we couldn’t find any songs that approached it from the angle we were looking for. Kent and I had started writing the song, but it needed work.

We ended up collaborating with Caleb Schmiege and Tim Babler as we were all leading the music at Camp South that week. We had a great time writing it and, out of the conversations that followed, we came up with the idea to have Songwriting Weekends.

Song Breakdown

The title comes from the words of the Ethiopian speaking to Phillip, “What can stand in the way of my being baptized?” The chorus reminds us that nothing can stand in the way, as it is God who gives baptism its power, and not anything we do.

The verses each bring up a reason that a person may feel unworthy to be baptized or why they may feel baptism has no real power. However, each doubt is followed by a promise of God, leading back to the chorus making it abundantly clear: it has nothing to do with us, it’s all about God.

Use in Worship

The song was written with congregations in mind. It’s designed to be easy to sing and pick up. I happen to think it’s pretty catchy as well.

Due to the rhythmic nature of the song, it works best when led by a guitar, though creative worship leaders could undoubtedly find new ways of arranging it.


Lead Sheet and MP3


What Can Stand written by Kent Reeder, Drew Sonnenberg, Tim Babler, and Caleb Schmiege. From Illumine Recordings Volume 1: https://www.illuminecontent.com/music