April 23, 2018 Guest User More than Conquerors April 23, 2018 Guest User Christ’s resurrection doesn’t simply mean you are free from death. It also means you have the motivation and the power to combat the trials, suffering, and despair that this world constantly throws at us.
October 31, 2017 Illumine That Which Saves October 31, 2017 Illumine The third of eight songs written at Illumine's first Songwriting Weekend! Here is "That Which Saves" by Melanie Bourman.
October 26, 2017 Illumine Songwriting Weekend Psalm 34 October 26, 2017 Illumine Songwriting Weekend The second of eight songs written at Illumine's first Songwriting Weekend! Here is Psalm 34 by Drew Sonnenberg.
October 16, 2017 Illumine Be Thou My Vision October 16, 2017 Illumine The worries, desires, and deceitfulness of this world soon fall away when you keep your eyes fixed on God.