More than Conquerors

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Why this song?

In the Easter season, we talk a lot about how Christ has conquered death. Paul says the same thing at the beginning of Romans 8. But he also brings up how, even though death has been conquered, we still have suffering in this life. This leads to his logical question:

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things?”

His answer is that nothing can separate from the love of Christ. We are more than conquerors.

Song Breakdown

The song takes Romans 8 as it’s foundation and describes how, as a Christian, Christ’s resurrection doesn’t simply mean you are free from death. It also means you have the motivation and the power to combat the trials, suffering, and despair that this world constantly throws at us.

The bridge perhaps says it most plainly and clearly: “Nothing is impossible, every chain is breakable. With you we are victorious. You are stronger than our hearts, you are greater than the dark. With you we are victorious.”

Use in Worship

Rend Collective has constructed an exceptionally singable melody. The verses have the same number of syllables, meaning there are no melodic surprises when the second verse rolls around. The rhythms are catchy and interesting.

Thematically, the song is perhaps most striking in the Easter season, but could certainly be used on any Sunday as you celebrate a “mini-Easter” and remembrance of how the resurrection changes everything.


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