Our Evening Worship services are designed to be calming, peaceful, and contemplative. Like all of our Worship events, the goal is to give spiritual rest. These services use a large amount of music, along with responsive readings and prayers, centered around a single theme and devotional message. They are followed by a time of individual prayer.

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What's Included


    • A detailed outline of each part of the service, including responsive readings and prayers.


    • Lead Sheets and other sheet music are either included (if Public Domain) or linked to (if copyrighted). Also included are song notes for various transitions and medleys of songs.


    • After the service, congregants can go to prayer stations that provide scripture, questions, and other food for thought (all tied to the theme of the service) to help guide them in their individual prayer time.

Evening Worship | Consider Others

Jesus gives us a perfect example of how we should interact with those around us. It’s starts with humble submission. Jesus has every reason to boast; he is God himself, but he humbly submitted himself to the will of the Father. Secondly, we should work in unity with one another. With Jesus as our head, we each have our different roles as members of the body, but without unity, the body cannot function. Finally, we do all of this so that we can serve our neighbors.

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Evening Worship | All Things New

As each new year begins, we are filled with thoughts of fresh starts, resolutions, and renewal. God has a lot to say about all of these. Whether it is making resolutions, feeling like there is nothing new, or yearning for renewal or reconciliation, the Bible makes it clear that there is one thing that makes all of these work/not work: Christ. This service uses songs, scriptures, and prayers to point to Christ being central to all things.

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Evening Worship | Light & Dark

Over and over again, throughout the Bible, we see metaphors of Light & Dark, Day & Night, Visible & Hidden. This service takes a look at several of those metaphors as they pertain to the coming of Christ (both his first coming and his second coming). We see Jesus as the light that shines in the darkness and the Bright Morning Star.

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Evening Worship | Content

In the month of November, it’s very common in America for people to reflect on their lives and be thankful for what they have been blessed with. As Christians, our hearts will certainly overflow with thankfulness when we reflect on the many spiritual and physical blessings God has bestowed on us; but he calls us to something higher than just thankfulness. God calls us to be content at all times and in all circumstances.

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Evening Worship | Stranger Here

This service reminds us that this world will always fail to fulfill us. The good news is we aren’t meant to stay here. As the hymn says: “I’m but a stranger here. Heaven is my home.”

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Evening Worship | Help My Unbelief

As a Christian experiences the highs and lows that life brings, their faith also fluctuates. We will all experience doubt in one form or another. The devil will make sure of it. It is at these times that we can cry out like the father in Mark 9, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.” This service explores how we can overcome our doubts, how we can use these trials to grow in our faith, and how we can encourage our brothers and sisters as they go through trials and doubt.

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Evening Worship | Stay With Us

This service aims to put you in the place of the disciple during and following the events of Holy Week. The disciples experienced feelings of desertion and doubt, but also clarity and belief as they slowly came to understand what had happened.

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Evening Worship | Pray Continually

This service examines different types of pray by looking at examples from throughout Scripture. It also uses David as a lens to see how each of the types plays out in the life of a Christian.

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Evening Worship | Do Not Worry

This service focuses on the idea of worry and what the Bible has to say about it. The central Scripture passage comes from Luke where Jesus very boldly and simply tells his disciples, "Do Not Worry."

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Evening Worship | Take Heart

This service focuses on the idea of sorrow and how a Christian can approach dealing with grief. The theme "Take Heart" comes from the Psalms where we are told to "Take heart and wait for the Lord," as well as Luke, where Jesus tells us, "Take heart, I have overcome the world."

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Artwork by Naomi Unnasch & Joy Holderbecker