Whether you are celebrating the Lord's Supper with your family, at a meeting, or in any other private setting, our orders of service provide a short meditative liturgy to help prepare hearts to receive the Sacrament. 

What's Included

  • Worship GUIDE

    • A printable folder that includes responsive readings, thought-provoking questions, or passages from Scripture, Creeds, or Catechisms. These provide an easy means for all participants to follow along.

  • Personal Preparation Questions

    • A list of questions and responses that individuals may use to help prepare their hearts to receive the Sacrament.

Communion | A Worthy Manner

An adaptation of the WLS Dogmatics notes, this service explores what makes a person worthy or unworthy to receive communion.

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Communion | New Year

As each new year approaches, we think of fresh starts, resolutions, and renewal. This service explores a God who both never changes but is constantly renewing us.

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Communion | Renewal

The Bible is filled with the idea of renewal. This service explores how we are made new through the Lord's Supper.

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Communion | Communion for Tomorrow
Sale Price:$0.00 Original Price:$1.00

This service uses a question and answer format designed to help those who are participating consider the very practical and immediate ways that receiving communion today can be helpful for tomorrow. 

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Communion | Meditation on a Communion Song

Using guiding questions (provided), participants will meditate on the lyrics of a communion song of your choosing as they prepare their hearts to receive the Lord's Supper. 

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Communion | The Birth of Christ

Using Christmas songs and responses from Scripture, participants will reflect on the birth of Christ as they prepare their hearts to receive the Lord's Supper. Juxtaposing the birth of the infant Christ with the giving of his body and blood in death provides a powerful reminder of what Christmas means. 

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Communion | Small Group Prayer

Using this service means dividing the communicants into small groups of 5-6. The download includes 3 different prayer guides for small groups to use as they prepare their hearts to receive the Lord's Supper. 

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Communion | Large Catechism

Drawing quotes from Martin Luther's Large Catechism, this service will remind participants of the importance of the supper, particularly focusing on the fact that nothing can shake the promises within it. 

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Communion | Small Catechism

This question and answer, responsive reading style services reminds participants of (or introduces them to) the simple way to understand the Supper that Luther provided in the Catechism.  

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Communion | Apostles Creed

The shared confession of the truths of the Apostles Creed remind those partaking that they are one loaf, brought together by the God who made this creed worth believing. The service uses proof passages, read responsively with the creed.

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Communion | Nicene Creed

The shared confession of the truths of the Nicene Creed remind those partaking that they are one loaf, brought together by the God who made this creed worth believing. The service uses proof passages, read responsively with the creed.

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